What is the frequency range of the marker beacon system used to indicate an aircraft's position during an Instrument Landing System (ILS) approach to an airport's runway? |
A) The outer, middle, and inner marker beacons' UHF frequencies are unique for each ILS equipped airport to provide unambiguous frequency-protected reception areas in the 329.15 to 335.00 MHz range. |
B) The outer marker beacon's carrier frequency is 400 MHz, the middle marker beacon's carrier frequency is 1300 MHz, and the inner marker beacon's carrier frequency is 3000 MHz. |
C) The outer, the middle, and the inner marker beacon's carrier frequencies are all 75 MHz but the marker beacons are 95% tone-modulated at 400 Hz (outer), 1300 Hz (middle), and 3000 Hz (inner). |
D) The outer, marker beacon's carrier frequency is 3000 kHz, the middle marker beacon's carrier frequency is 1300 kHz, and the inner marker beacon's carrier frequency is 400 kHz. |