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Engine : Gas Turbines - 131/277
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For the same amount of available power, how does a low speed two-stroke diesel engine compare to a recuperated gas turbine configuration?
A) The two-stroke diesel engine would burn more fuel and the particulate and nitrogen oxide (NOx) levels in the exhaust would be higher than that of a recuperated gas turbine configuration
B) The two-stroke diesel engine would burn less fuel and the nitrogen oxide (NOx) levels in the exhaust would be much lower than that of a recuperated gas turbine configuration.
C) The two-stroke diesel engine would burn more fuel than a recuperated gas turbine; however, the particulate and nitrogen oxide (NOx) levels in the exhaust would be lower.
D) The two-stroke diesel engine would burn less fuel than a recuperated gas turbine, however, the levels of particulate and nitrogen oxide (NOx) levels in the exhaust would be higher.
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