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Engine : General Subjects - 460/1128
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What is meant by the term emergency bilge suction?
A) The means by which the machinery space bilge is pumped out by a pump not normally used as a bilge pump and drawing a suction on the bilge through either bilge manifolds or automatic bilge suction valves.
B) The means by which the machinery space bilge is pumped out by a pump not normally used as a bilge pump and drawing a suction directly on the bilge independent of any bilge manifolds or automatic bilge suction valves.
C) The means by which the machinery space bilge is pumped out by a pump normally used as a bilge pump and drawing a suction directly on the bilge independent of any bilge manifolds or automatic bilge suction valves.
D) The means by which the machinery space bilge is pumped out by a pump normally used as a bilge pump and drawing a suction on the bilge through either bilge manifolds or automatic bilge suction valves.
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