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Deck : Rules of the Road - 821/1025
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BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Your power-driven vessel is underway when you sight a sailing vessel on your port bow. Which vessel is the "stand-on" vessel?
A) The sailboat, because it is under sail
B) The sailboat, because it is to port of your vessel
C) Your vessel, because it is to starboard of the sailboat
D) Your vessel, because it is a power-driven vessel
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bossetp - 2023-03-22 16:47:43
Member (9)
If it doesn't specify then you should assume it is a sailboat under sail.
distchief - 2023-01-28 23:40:16
Registered (14)
I agree this question Does NOT specify Uber sail or auxiliary and sail
Tropical Horizons II - 2020-10-26 12:53:16
Registered (1)
The question does not specify if the sailing vessel is under sail or power, a sailing vessel under power is the same as a power driven vessel.
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