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Deck : Rules of the Road - 264/1025
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BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND You are towing two barges astern. The length of the tow from the stern of the tug to the stern of the last barge is 150 meters. How many white towing identification lights should be displayed on the tugboat at night?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
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Peter Mak - 2021-08-08 13:00:21
Member (15)
When the length of the the tow exceeds 200meters 3 all around white light should be exhibited plus the red and green, the sides lights and a yellow light over the stern white light,
and if it’s less than 200m is only 2 all round white light plus the sideslights and the stern, white & yellow
gamsites - 2020-07-11 18:25:28
Member (4)
There is no such object as a white tow light. See rule 21.(d)
ttaylor - 2019-03-02 11:15:22
Member (7)
Tow lights are not masthead lights. Answer should be 0. Correct tow light shown is 1 YELLOW tow light over the stern light.
drewa2100 - 2018-09-10 10:57:30
Member (5)
Very misleading. Towing lights... (1 white towing light below 1 yellow towing light) = 2 towing lights?
ohbenny - 2017-11-10 01:04:03
Member (3)
Seems a little misleading. Aren't these two white lights masthead lights? Then aft yellow over white tow lights...?
infinimitsu - 2017-01-16 11:45:56
Expired Member (19)
Rule 24.a.i.
CaptainJim - 2016-11-18 19:25:34
Member (1)
first test
dearmon1 - 2015-08-16 09:56:10
Expired Member (1)
The size of the towing vessel is also relevant here, but it is not mentioned in the question.
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