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Deck : Rules of the Road - 1833/1025
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INLAND ONLY Two power-driven vessels, "A" and "B" , are meeting in a narrow channel as shown in illustration D029RR below. Which statement is TRUE concerning whistle signals between the vessels?
A) Vessel "A" should sound one short blast and vessel "B" should sound two short blasts.
B) Both vessels should sound one short blast.
C) Both vessels should sound two short blasts.
D) Neither vessel should sound any signal as no course change is necessary.
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Illustration D029RR

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Bubs - 2022-03-02 18:20:27
Member (3)
Yeah I guess but they should be operating through the challenge on the closest side to starboard
mikepenate1 - 2022-01-27 14:40:00
Member (5)
rong 1short pass starboard to starboard
jn5r108raven - 2021-01-04 09:35:52
Member (2)
This question has 2 correct answers as I see it?
poopface11 - 2020-02-28 18:12:41
Member (15)
how is this different than question 699??
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